Rainbow Prophecies | See the Rainbow

— — Sacred Life Connections — —

from Universal Rainbow Guide  
  Chapter Nine: Sacred Life Connections

 Moving into the Age of Aquarius we are beginning to connect with science and spirituality as never before. We are at the point the veil between the two is being lifted and faith is being replaced by knowing. We are all evolving toward higher consciousness and as we do we connect more of the dots to the inter-workings of the universe around us. Science by definition is the observation, identification, description, experimental investigation, and theoretical explanation of phenomena. In this age we are understanding the “invisible” phenomenas as never before. We are merging science with spirituality. Spirituality, on the other hand, is generally harder to define being a study of the invisible forces around us. Spirituality is the preoccupation with what concerns human inner nature, especially ethical or ideological values. When the invisible becomes visible then through experimentation the phenomena is more widely accepted as fact and science.

Teachers, theologians and scientists alike have understood there is no separation. It is only fears and doubt that lead to confusion. When one moves forward in love and faith the patterns of universal functioning are observable. The teachings of universality are all about us as shown in sacred texts and manuscripts throughout history. In Western and Eastern cultures alike the knowledge of esoteric sciences have been recorded and taught for centuries. Sacred Geometry acts as a keystone for this blending of the mind and the heart. Science, in and of its self, can give many examples of universal connection, but it is the knowledge of consciousness and the unification of love that can bring examples of the unseen universe to make for a much fuller and richer picture. In this chapter we will explore the connection to show both science and spirituality are one and the same.
Sacred Geometry acts as a keystone for the blending of the mind and the heart.
In Christian literature there are many examples of the creative process in action. Over centuries of time many teachings of the connection between love and the mind have been lost in the regular and constant rewrites of both the old and the new testaments of the so-called Holy Bible. A reader of this sacred text, as well as all so-called sacred texts, must read with discernment allowing what resonates with their own heart to be accepted as genuine. However, with that being said, in the area of science the editing over the centuries has left the creative process described relatively unscathed. Most of the editing involved has been toward a propensity to remove our god-hood and mastery in an attempt to place deity as something outside ourselves. In reality, God potential is in us as is our omnipotent power to create. In sacred texts there is still much information retained in the area of universal creative functioning, much of which can bring the observer to a heightened sense of awareness...

— — Genesis 1:1-3 — —

Genesis 1:1-3 (KJV) In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth.
2 And the earth was without form, and void; and darkness was upon the face of the deep. And the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters.
3 And God said, Let there be light: and there was light

In these first three verses of the King James version of the Christian Bible the observer can place themselves in the creative process. Each and all of us have creative ability to speak The Word and manifest our reality. Substituting the word God for the words of creative function or source allows the observer to see these verses from this sacred text are written to describe a process we all use; to create. In the beginning of any creative process there is consciousness, otherwise called the observer. Verse one refers to this being or observer as God. As it states, “In the Beginning” of any creative process there is a merging of space (heaven) and earth (matter).
The Word, that is movement, directed by intention, flows into the void of “deep” space where all is void and without form, yet in which rests all unrealized potential.
In verse two it is the moving upon these two in consciousness and intention that “creates.” Before the movement in consciousness through intention to create there is no form. All potential to create out of the space matrix is available but it takes “spirit”, that is will, to move and coalesce matter from the so-called invisible. Water, being super sensitive to cosmic influxes, is synonymous with consciousness. The Word, that is movement, directed by intention, flows into the void of “deep” space where all is void and without form, yet in which rests all unrealized potential. Within the consciousness of space the manifestation begins to take place, creation happens. Sound and Light are the two base creative functions of the universe. Sound goes forth (referred to as “God said”) and creates. The first visible manifestation of the intention is Light as the infinite potential of space responds; from no form arises form and from heaven arises earth. . . .

— — Genesis 3:22 & Revelation 22:3 — —

In the first few chapters of the Christian Bible there is much symbolism used to connect the observer with a process of human evolution. Eons of time had passed on earth in a period referred to as the Creation in seven days. Consciousness had brought forth human-kind and from this same consciousness arose all manner of creation upon the earth. In the earliest days human-kind man was in complete harmony with nature, there was no death or decay and all was in perfect order. This was a time symbolically called “The Garden of Eden.” Yet, consciousness evolves to come to understand itself and the world around it. We choose through freewill and directed intention to “connect the dots” as to “Why we are One?” This discovery process is symbolized as “to know good and evil”, that is to say to align with universal source or to not. There is only one source yet there are many pathways to understand and evolve back to complete harmony with it. In the process of evolution we learn through attempting to follow the path that appears most harmonious, however, the wisest and most expedient choices are not always made. This theologians have referred to as battle of good and evil, also known as the War of Armageddon. In Genesis 3:22 the observer is asked to “...put forth his hand, and take also of the tree of life, and eat, and live for ever.” This is the process of discovering our oneness with the matrix of space and its rejuvenating properties.
Consciousness evolves to come to understand itself and the world around it. We choose through freewill and directed intention to “connect the dots” as to “Why we are One?”
Through some type of mystical synchronicity the first and last book of the Bible, Genesis 3:22 and Revelation 22:3 connect numerically. In Revelation 22:3 the “curse”, set forth in the uncovering and misuse of our own universal potential, is removed. In this revelatory final book of the Christian Bible mankind discovers the process of removing decay and death. The process of entropy is understood through merging science with spirituality. The “evil” (separation from Source) is removed as true knowledge sweeps the earth bring healing and restoration, returning us all to our foundation of Oneness as set forth in the “Garden of Eden.” Scientifically entropy is defined: “The tendency for all matter and energy in the universe to evolve toward a state of inert uniformity.” Here, it is believed within the thought form of life and death that energy does not transform and becomes inert – having no inherent ability to move or to resist motion. In the connection science is now learning from the invisible (spirituality), it is now known energy is timeless and eternally transforming and evolving into higher states of consciousness and organization. This is the reverse of the antiquated philosophy of entropy and is brought forth through the symbolism found in the Book of Revelation as we enter into this Golden Age.