Moving into the Age of Aquarius we are beginning to connect with science and spirituality as never before. Ancient prophecies of the Rainbow Warrior and the Rainbow Promise Noah's ark give us assurance the world Will NOT be Destroyed! the We are at the point the veil between the two is being lifted and faith is being replaced by scientific knowledge. We are all evolving toward higher consciousness and as we do we connect more of the dots to the inter-workings of the universe around us. . .
Over the whole earth they came the people of every colour traveling of many a land. The Rainbow Children of the Way with a fresh glow finding their way...
Star within
More and more joined A song for the soul... It came from within.
The People of the Way ~ The Rainbow Tribe Prophecy

The Generation Z Rainbow Connection represents a collective of information on the rainbow. A study of the language of light and how it manifests universally within Sacred Geometric flows with the ever guiding natural rainbow. Rainbow Revelation is in all the major worldwide Rainbow Prophecies effecting us here and now.
Rainbow Prophecies
Rainbow Matrix site
As seen with the connections of Yin Yang, there is great harmony and balance in the study and application of the Revelation Four Diagram. The Revelation Four Diagram is an advanced study of Yin Yang. Its name arises out of the many-fold and magnanimous connections that arise from the Christian religion's final book of their bible called Revelation. The name represents a summation of the total of chapter four of Revelation that describes what is called in the Rainbow Equation, Logos Circle Seven. The Revelation Four Diagram is a wonderful blending of both Sacred and Geometry. It is steeped in sacred connections blending self with universal self
Make the Most of Your Meditation! Breathe, connect and focus your heart and mind to fully activate chakra centres. Awaken your spirit to life force energy found in all of nature. Natural techniques will help you stop the “mind chatter” and powerfully connect you universally. The system of RainbowFlow Meditation is a practice that can bring the unifying patterns of light, Sacred Geometry, and energy together into our being. This practice can align us as never before to Great Universal Source all around us. Once the being is in alignment then it can function as one with the all that is. This will bring us greater health, mental acuity and peace.
You Are the Very Center of the Universe. You Are the Great I Am. Bring Forth Your Almighty I AM Presence and Feel Its Power. In Love of the I Am All is Beauty... All is Omnipresent